Lime 'Kaffir'
Citrus hystrix
Tree Maintenance (Citrus)
Citrus hystrix
Tree Maintenance (Citrus)
- Fertilise twice a year with organic citrus fertiliser.
- When young during the first few years, water slow and deep each fortnight, more often if very dry or hot. As it matures, the tree will become more drought tolerant.
- Watering may be needed when young fruit is forming.
- Mulch the area below the tree and keep free of grass and weeds.
- Needs occasional pruning to keep it healthy and shaped. Remove dead, inward facing or crossing branches. Do not prune the whole tree at once, or it will not produce fruit the following season.
- Spray with Eco-Oil if pests occur (avoid spraying on days where temperatures may reach above 30°C, or foliage can become burnt).